If you have changed your mind about your purchase and would like to take advantage of our 100-day return policy, you can open a return via the order link that we previously sent you. The link can be found in any of the mails you received from Edison, our order robot. Click on ‘See my order’, choose ‘Return’ and the bottom of that page and follow the instructions. We will then send you a return label in a separate mail by the end of the next business day.
Return shipping is usually €15 per package, but oversize packages and pallet shipments may cost more. You’re welcome to contact Customer Service if you have any questions.
If you would prefer to make a return yourself, please send the package(s) to:
Odinsvej 6 - Port 32-35
DK-6950 Ringkøbing
We recommend that you send the package(s) with parcel post. This ensures that the package(s) can be tracked, and eliminates any doubt about whether we have received the package(s) or not.
PLEASE NOTE: The package(s) must be returned to Lampmasters' address – packages sent to a post office or parcel shop will not be picked up.
Do not write on the original packaging!
If you write on the original packaging or damage it in any other way you decrease the resale value of the product. This will reduce the amount of your refund.
At minimum we will deduct €27.50 from your refund if the original packaging is damaged, or up to 40% of the value of the lamp if – for example – it is not returned in the original packaging or if it is not in sellable condition.
That is why it is very important that you put the product, in its original packaging, in a cardboard shipping box to send it back to us. Using bubble wrap will help to minimize any potential damage during shipping.
Only use clear tape when packing items for return! Use of other types of tape on original packaging can affect the amount of your refund.
Any other questions about returns?
Contact our Customer Service team at or +353 818 003 354 - we're happy to help.